
Friday, January 6, 2012

So I finally gave in and put my photos through some washes. Everyone else was doing it. This actually marks a relapse for me, since way back when in junior college I was wash and filter crazy- I had a pressure sensitive stylus pad and I was out of control. My sups chill Photog professor told me to lay off the filters as he sipped back on his daily Earl Gray- you just got to focus on the good darks and lights. I don't know, black and white was never my thing, and the only reason I did all those filters in the first place was because my art teacher had called all my other work "chincy"- Chinchy!

So from there, after my mission, I made a purify pilgrimage to cleanse my camera obscura's soul, and my own. After spending months working with people whose life goals were to commit genocide against all camera-tilting-cheesey-over-contrasty-warm-toned wedding photographers, my work became remarkably clean, simple, and sober. And now that I'm out?

Looks like its back to the filters. I think they're rather tasteful.

Except for maybe this next one, but it seems to be what everybody likes.