Saturday, December 25, 2010
By the way I made my first .43 cents this past week on the blog. Thank you for your support.
Mashed Potatoes and Me
I apologize for not writing as much as I should folk. I have many articles in the making but I have wandered homeless since last saturday when my lease ended- road trippin and trippin, it has been an adventure.
Read up on me and mashed potatoes if you please.
Read up on me and mashed potatoes if you please.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
5 Chapters for Smuggling
This is my unedited final for my FDREL121 Book of Mormon class. The teacher proposed the question- which five chapters of the Book of Mormon would you smuggle into a country that did not know the Goespel.
Which five chapters of the Book of Mormon would I smuggle into a country?
Amon and Aaron successfully converted two of the most powerful men amongst the Lamanites. They served. Gained the men’s confidence and then on teaching the basic form of God, they did “expound” the “scriptures from the creation of Adam, laying the fall before him, and their carnal state and also the plan of redemption . . . through the Christ, for all whosoever would believe on his name (Alma 22:13).” Both of the Kings experienced miraculous conversions after hearing these words.
If one were to select the five chapters of the first half of the Book of Mormon to be smuggled into another country, it would be prudent to choose the five that best illuminate these key principles necessary for conversion. All else will follow through revelation from the Holy Spirit. The atonement of Jesus Christ is at the center of our religion, all other things are just appendages. Understanding of prophets, the gift of the Holy Ghost, church organization, divinity of government, etc. - will come with time.
I will discuss five chapters and their principle roles in conversion. They are:
- Mosiah 3. The Atonement and Christ
- 2 Nephi 2. The necessity. The Creation and the Fall
- 2 Nephi 9. The blessings. The After-life
- 2 Nephi 31. The application. Gospel principles
- Enos 1. The example. True Conversion
The Atonement
It cannot be repeated to many times: the atonement of Christ is the center of our religion and all revelation. A pure knowledge of the Atonement is necessary for salvation. King Benjamin explains in comprehensive detail the atonement from beginning to end in Mosiah 3: 5-10. King Benjamin prophesies the “Lord Omnipotent... shall come down from heaven among the children of men, and shall dwell in a tabernacle of clay . . . working miracles (5),” and “he shall suffer . . . even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death . . . for the wickedness and abominations of the people (7). And he shall raise on the third day . . . and he standeth to judge the world” and “all these things are done that a righteous judgment might come upon the children of men (10).” He then explains the innocence of the ignorant, and the dire repentance of those sinned in knowledge. “And he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God (8).”
These words were given to King Benjamin by an angel, and as the King rehearsed them to the people, they had the power to bring a conversion into their hearts along with the spirit, even so that they covenanted with the Lord. I hope that these words, expressed so clearly, would have the same power on all who hear them with a open heart. This is christianity.
The Necessity
For the full necessity of this great Atonement to be realized two previous events must be understood in their proper relevance: the creation and the fall. These are best explained by the prophet Lehi in 2 Nephi 2: 14- 25. Here Lehi gives a sweeping description of creation and the fall, and enlightens its cosmic relevance. God “hath created all things (14)” including “our first parents (15),” Adam and Eve, but “that old serpent” tempted them (18) and “after Adam and Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit, they were driven out of the garden of Eden (19).” Lehi does not let this stand alone, he adds “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy (25),” for if Adam had not transgressed “all things which were created must have remained in the same state (22). . . and they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin (23).”
The Atonement came out of necessity from the fall of man. Lehi explains this to us, but these are just half the blessings.
The Blessings
For the blessings of the Atonement to be appreciated, the after-life events must be recognized. The prophet Jacob expertly explains the benefits of the Atonement by first laying out the two deaths, the spiritual and physical, and then explaining how they may be done away with in the final judgment and resurrection through Christ. He shows the paradox that if we had not Christ we would stay in the state of death forever and become angels to the devil.
“O how great the goodness of our God (10),” for the first death “which is temporal, shall deliver up its dead (11),” and the spiritual death “shall deliver up its dead (12),” and “the spirit and the body” shall be “restored to itself again (13).” “How great his condescensions unto the children of men (53),” “let your hearts rejoice (52). ”
Jacob summarizes the blessings of the Atonement, and gives us more reason to rejoice.
The Application
With the relevance of the Atonement being founded, the proper application of this miracle must be demonstrated. Nephi embraces the fulness of the gospel and its principles in 2 Nephi 31. Nephi spends the chapters leading up to this point building up our faith, and then cites the Father: “repent ye, repent ye (11).” And the Son: “he that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost (12).” And again the Father: “He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved (16).” He finally expounds on the principle of endure to the end: “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life (20).”
Nephi explains in full detail all we need to do to partake in the atonement, and Enos then gives us an illustration of this.
The Example
I read various Pulitzer Prize winning articles a few weeks ago. One of them dealt with a grand issue, in a grand way. It illustrated a controversial war on a large, mass scale. It confused me, and I was not moved by it. Others also handled grand issues, but on an individual scale. Those moved me. I could relate with the individual- it was something I knew, with which I was familiar.
The conversion of the people in the first five chapters of Mosiah is epic. The conversion of the Anti-Nephi-Lehites is marvelous. But nothing compares with the supremely intimate prayer and whole-hearted conversion of Enos, the individual. Again it is comprehensive. Enos knelt in the woods. He prayed. He prayed some more. He received forgiveness. “Lord, how is it done?” he asked. “Because of thy faith in Christ,” Lord responded. Rarely have words seemed so beautiful to my soul. Then Enos did not sit on his laurels, he prayed for his family the nephites, and also for his brethren the Lamanites, desiring their welfare and that they be forgiven. After this, above all, he went “testifying of the things I had heard and seen,” for all his days. This is wonderful. What better example for a recent-convert to follow? Enos was fully converted.
The Christmas season is upon us. In many places the world is white. Where I am from, its wet. I have no intentions of smuggling chapters of the Book of Mormon into any country. But we can take these truths and smuggle them into the hearts of the children of men. Tis the season to be giving. And what better gift to give than the greatest gift that was ever given: the Atonement of Jesus Christ and a knowledge of it. We may all be saved by the grace and mercy of Jesus the Christ. And I pray we may let the world know.
“Come my brethren, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come buy and eat; yea come buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy.”
the Nephite Prophet Jacob.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Garth's Auction House
"$1,000, lets play auction. Do I have $1,000?" An unseen man raises his numbered wood. "I have $1,000, do I have $1,100? Bid $1,100."
The bids escalated quickly, a volley between this man and that, then that woman and this. It soon reached $15,275.
"Going once, twice, sold to...."
The item? A fine ohio stichwork sampler, silk on linen, prominent grape vine borders flank alphabets set over a two-story house and palm trees. Framed. By Hannah Scudder, 1836. $15,275.

Located in the Stratford historical area of Delaware, the tip of its property is to be sold and will home a new gasoline station, designed to blend in with local era architecture.
I enter in through a small door cut into the flank of the massive barn. The lighting is dim, and the smell damp as we make our way under low hanging rafters. The hulking boards are all hand hewn. The people are of all sorts, I note; some wear fine cardigans, trousers and oxfords, matching the part of antique collectors. Others straggle in the back in hoodies and snow boots suitable for the construction yard. The hall is lined with very expensive "old things." All bid alike. The auctioneer is nicely dressed and beautiful. She speaks in that classic auctioneer tone, and taps her mallet on the podium. You know how it is. You have seen it in the movies. A man on the platform brings up the next item.
These items on auction have been gathering interest for the last forty years. They are now open to the world as people gather from roughly ten different states, call in on telephones, and follow along on-line. This is Garth's Annual Thanksgiving Auction. It is also Black Friday.
While others are out buying big screens for 90% off at Walmart (funding the destruction of the world), these people gather and place bids on these valued antique items. Many buy at a premium price without hope for resale, capturing them for their own prized collections. Big screen? Who needs a big screen when you can have a Massachusetts Fire Bucket? Don't expect any bargains, however, this bucket went for $2,350.
So celebrate Christmas with a little class this year, and go old fashioned. Get your kids something that means something.
So celebrate Christmas with a little class this year, and go old fashioned. Get your kids something that means something.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Greyhound and Amish
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This is a Greyhound bus. It left 08h20 from Columbus, OH, to Indianapolis, ID. ETA 11h45. Actual time of arrival: 15h30. |
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This is an Amish man on that bus. No pictures please. He made for good conversation while we voyaged. |
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This is a Greyhound bus broken down on the side of the road. For 3 hours. Something was "frozen" according to the driver. |
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This is me on a new Greyhound bus. I am on the floor. They sold me a ticket to a seat that didn't exist. |
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This is me tearing up that ticket and all future tickets. Traveling Greyhound this winter? |
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
New Family Search
The pieces were coming together on "In Old Holland" by Gustaaf Van Vreeland, a Dee-Gee cork puzzle. It sold new for twenty-five cents in its time. A windmill under cloudy skies stands illuminated in its immediate foreground, workers bustling out of it with work to be done.
We found three more ancestors for ordinance work and traced our line through the Stephens and on back to Adam, today, using the new What nothing! This is taking so long, we aren't getting anything done, and I don't know what I am doing, were my sentiments by the end of the day.
The evening prayer was offered by grandpa. Afterwards, my grandmother expressed her feelings of gratitude for the speed of the modern technology and how much we had accomplished in such a short time. She spoke of floppy disks that were floppy and long start-up speeds of the past.
I smiled, said Oh Grandma, and hugged her.
We all huddled around it, blocking out the essential light, filling in the last pieces of the middle, eager to know if there would be enough. Our knobby hands fiddled with the last small pieces. Ah-ha, ahhh- strange moans ruminated in mine and Grandpa's throats. Grandpa stood back collected. The last of the pieces came together leaving a beautiful landscape... with one small hole.
One is missing.
It's a Corker! is the LDS church's new website for genealogy work offering many exceptional features. The Church has reformed many new sites this year as part of its apparent reorganization of much church material, including magazines, websites, manuals, and many other programs, that culminated recently at the Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting. The new material displays overall a more modern, user-friendly, simplistic style that is also opening the members to the reality that it is a world church. New.FamilySearch in specific has come together to offer speedy research capabilities for the common man- these are best understood when seen by oneself, go here.
We found three more ancestors for ordinance work and traced our line through the Stephens and on back to Adam, today, using the new What nothing! This is taking so long, we aren't getting anything done, and I don't know what I am doing, were my sentiments by the end of the day.
The evening prayer was offered by grandpa. Afterwards, my grandmother expressed her feelings of gratitude for the speed of the modern technology and how much we had accomplished in such a short time. She spoke of floppy disks that were floppy and long start-up speeds of the past.
I smiled, said Oh Grandma, and hugged her.
We all huddled around it, blocking out the essential light, filling in the last pieces of the middle, eager to know if there would be enough. Our knobby hands fiddled with the last small pieces. Ah-ha, ahhh- strange moans ruminated in mine and Grandpa's throats. Grandpa stood back collected. The last of the pieces came together leaving a beautiful landscape... with one small hole.
One is missing.
It's a Corker! is the LDS church's new website for genealogy work offering many exceptional features. The Church has reformed many new sites this year as part of its apparent reorganization of much church material, including magazines, websites, manuals, and many other programs, that culminated recently at the Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting. The new material displays overall a more modern, user-friendly, simplistic style that is also opening the members to the reality that it is a world church. New.FamilySearch in specific has come together to offer speedy research capabilities for the common man- these are best understood when seen by oneself, go here.
Monday, November 22, 2010
A Camera

As we arrived home, we unloaded the gold Prius. Turkey to the freezer. Chocolate covered almonds to the cabinet. Make room for Costco's pumkin pie as well.
Grandpa, have you got an extension cord? I ask, thinking of my recently acquired and repaired macbook charger. Out side he presents a collection of extension cords from which to choose. Boxes of antiques lie near. Needless to express transition-

My great-grandfather's soul.
The clocks strike one.
Pumpkin pie? he asks.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
A Change of Pace
I decided to travel to Ohio, to spend the Thanksgiving with my Grandparents and Uncle’s family. I seldom win my battles against the Lord.
I’ve had dinner with my grandparents about three times, last time in Capone’s, Little Italy, Hartfor, CT. We spoke over a toss caesar. I believe a cannoli was involved.
The Spirit started urging my thoughts to my ancestors about half way through my mission. I spoke much on family history work to my investigators. I enrolled in the Family History course in my ward recently. Shortly after I posted on the ride board, a small group spontaneously formed desiring to voyage to Ohio for Thanksgiving. Plane was to expensive. After minor dificulties, a father out on business volunteered to drive his daughter, two girls, and I as far as Indiana. Thirty hours later he was still driving as we met my grandparents. A long expected embrace. The last three hour leg to Deleware, OH.
Where I now rest.
Bell Choir.
I know my Father lives
1% battery.
I’ve had dinner with my grandparents about three times, last time in Capone’s, Little Italy, Hartfor, CT. We spoke over a toss caesar. I believe a cannoli was involved.
The Spirit started urging my thoughts to my ancestors about half way through my mission. I spoke much on family history work to my investigators. I enrolled in the Family History course in my ward recently. Shortly after I posted on the ride board, a small group spontaneously formed desiring to voyage to Ohio for Thanksgiving. Plane was to expensive. After minor dificulties, a father out on business volunteered to drive his daughter, two girls, and I as far as Indiana. Thirty hours later he was still driving as we met my grandparents. A long expected embrace. The last three hour leg to Deleware, OH.
Where I now rest.
Bell Choir.
I know my Father lives
1% battery.
A purple haze drifted in the atmosphere.
the girl with the ukulele; two guys two guitars.
When the bearded man and the drummer kicked up those crissed-crossed-apple-sauced in the front row moved back, and the bass came forth.
I stole some shots and my friends danced around,
free pie shakes for everyone in town.
Ghana. Sweet shirts for Reggae Night.
Raise the Roof.
It’s Sammy’s.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Play-Off Pictures
Again, most of the pictures for the competitive sports play-offs can be located at the facebook page. Hope you like them.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I find it kind-of funny. When entering the David O McKay library here, a dedicated building, you are expected to remove your hat out of respect, and I certainly abide by these rules. However, upon closing every night, one will here the sounds of Lynyrd Skynyrd as they count off "1- 2- 3," and commence with the famous tune of Sweet Home Alabama, as the voice over the loud speaker alerts you that the library is closing in many different languages. Sweet Home Alabama is not a bad song. Removing hats in buildings is not a bad tradition. On the contrary, when put together, they are a contradiction in practice.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Play-Off Pictures
hey, folks, just hold tight, the pictures from the Men's Ultimate Frisbee and the Women's Volleyball, will be up in soon. I'm presently processing them.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Truth Behind the "W"
Love the "W".
There is nothing to fear. The W does not calculate into your GPA. The "W" is not frowned upon by other regular schools. The "W" loves. The "W" helps. The "W" cherishes all things good. The "W" is of good report.
I decided to drop my class yesterday on account of absences, incorrectly graded tests and an abundance of indecent commentary. Today is the last day to drop without the "W". If I dropped the class it would make a 3 credit gap in my schedule, revoking my scholarship and my honor. I have scoured the campus and counseling offices for open 2nd Block 3 credit classes all morning. After one hour in the Language and Let's, we devised a plan that would provide 2.5, possibly 3 credits- catch-line- I would have to enroll in 4 more classes.
I departed the office with stubborn knees and anxious eyes for the future. Stopped by the admissions office to alert them I would be dropping the class. They said it had nothing to do with them. So I swung around to my Financial Aid consolers office on a whim. She was there! I expressed to her my unsettling situation, that my scholarship and my honor, and my grades, time, and life were all on the line. I expressed to her my desire to drop the class today to avoid the "W".
And what did she tell me? Embrace the "W".
The "W" will hold your credit spot, it counts as a grade for those 3 credits. If you drop the class tomorrow, you will keep your scholarship, and qualify for one next semester.
Happy Day.
Embrace the "W".
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hurricanes: Play-Offs this weekend!
The Hurricanes take it to the PLAY-OFFS this weekend. Saturday, 13 of November, Stadium Field, be there or be square. Check out the video, its sweet.
One more thing: looks like they will be playing in the snow. Ooooo.
One more thing: looks like they will be playing in the snow. Ooooo.
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Hurricanes
The undefeated yet humble Hurricanes will bring their diligent spirit to the battlefield in the Fall 2010 Ultimate Play-Offs on the 13 of November starting at 6:30pm. As the weather steadily gets colder the Hurricanes are still bringing the heat.
They will pit themselves fearlessly against their competitors in the seven team tournament, all teams of the competitive sports league will fight for the rights of the victory dance, duking it out on the upper fields and taking their final game to the BYU-Idaho Stadium under the lights of the big time.
The Hurricanes have gone 4-0 this season becoming the only undefeated team this season, and their skill affirms that they will stay that way with only one more game to play in the regular season.
Flawless organization and indivisible union on the field has drawn attention and fans this season, and Coach Jeremy Webb attributes much of their success to the H-Stack offense; It is like this, three players sit back in a triangle formation handling the Frisbee amongst themselves, and four stay up field, running vertical cuts until one gets open.
They do not claim to be innovative in this approach, but instead say they have something more. “We have focused on getting our team to build that trust and friendship so when we go out on the field we play like old pals and we work hard with each other,” says Coach Webb.
Speaking to the fans in anticipation of the Play-Offs, Coach Webb said, “That final game is one of the biggest games. Both teams are just pumped, at the max, and there’s a ton of action packed plays, and dives, and jumps, and quick sprints, and its just really exciting to watch.”
Closing prophetically, he said, “You’re going to see a lot of action out there on the field.”
The BYU-I Ultimate Frisbee League is a section of Competitive Sports at BYU-I. Competitive Sports had its start in 2002, and the Ultimate League in 2005. The teams change each season and next season will be in spring 2011. BYU-Idaho Competitive Sports is an intercollegiate sports program managed on campus through student leadership and emphasizes the principal of inclusion.

“And we are the Hurricanes.”
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Welcome to POLSC110

Let me explain.
The test comes. I missed a few days previous, decide to review outside the testing center. I'm ready. I know it all, easy stuff, lets do it. I ascend the stone staircase and am hustled through the lines and computers, receive my test with a number and a stamp, and my dull pencil is ready. My first test in the testing center.
Skim the test, its all easy stuff, yada, yada, yada, I arrive at the last part with five questions I know I dont know, so I guess. 5 guessed out of 63 isnt bad. I leave the mass of students behind to wallow in their interrogations and depart to the outside. I slide my test through the happy little machine, feeling good about myself, its going to be a good class. I walk outside and look at the score screen.
I find my number, and a 68%.
What? Thats not my score. Yeah, but it is.
Next day- Yo, Professor, can I speak with you after class? I missed the class this morning but I go and speak with him in his office. Ample sunlight fills the room. We greet each other with smiles. I notice relatively empty shelves.
He offers his chair, I review the test with the paper, and my answers and the key's answers on the screen.
Lots of red. Alright, that one really was wrong, yeah that one makes since, bad guess here, so maybe I didn't know as much as I had thought. next question
Who wrote the original transcript of the Declaration of Independence?
- James Maddison
- Thomas Jefferson
- Benjamin Franklin
- Thomas Jeffs
- All of the above
Answer is: Benjamin Franklin.

-Oh yes, the answer is E- he says
-No, the key says its C- I reply
-But its E-
I stop- Whats going on here?- Yeah, I know its E, thats what I put.
The last thing any of us wants to hear is that their tests are being graded improperly. Whats worse? His apparent indifference.
He slips the test from my shocked hand into the drawer. Closes. Subject change. -What you need to do Brother Simons is worry about being on time...-
Certainly do, admittedly I have not been attending as I should. . . but what about the faulty answer key! Its my logic that being on time to class that has no participation points, will do me little good if the tests are not being graded properly. To shocked to say anything, and to appalled to do anything about-
I bid my farewell.
This is going up to the big dogs.
P.S. and bytheway- Jefferson wrote the Dec. Ben mades some suggestions.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Hair Cut
Who knows what day it is? I've had no time to count. My life's tunnel is narrowing and yet more and more obligations, duties, and activities are squeezing in and riding along my side.
I managed to have my hair cut this morning. It was the sequel event to yesterdays dead end investigation into the salon world. My barbershop of choice was closed, the day being monday. Sammy's gave me two leads, one around the corner. The one around the corner gave me a few more. After a $12 price estimation and a face full of mixed aroma I was on my way into the freezing weather and heavy wind. The next salon proved no better. I opened the door to a thousand different perfumes and to many scents than could ever be used decently; the woman behind the counter and the window was laid down in a chair stretched out with her hair in a fuzz, being clamped down and crimped, providing a sight more terrifying than the worst of dentist offices. My view was graciously obscured by a tinkling of feet and a petite living mannequin of costly apparel and streaked hair, her wide eyes made wider by mascara and dance pants promiscuous.
Do you cut man's hair here? I asked pointing to my head with my fingers beneath woolen gloves.
Nedless to say, they did but I didn't. I had my hair cut this morning by my pal Kenny. He's been cutting hair for 38 years- man's hair. And thats all he cuts. He cuts President Clarke's hair. Elder Bednar's hair was a regular, and before him President Benyon was too. He's been cutting hair almost twice as long as I have been growing it. $12 was a fair price, no student discount, for the best haircut I have ever had in the states. Kenny's my man.
Kenny and Larry's Barbershop, right on the side of Sammy's. They looked at me funny when I asked them if they had wireless, so I don't imagine they have a website.
I managed to have my hair cut this morning. It was the sequel event to yesterdays dead end investigation into the salon world. My barbershop of choice was closed, the day being monday. Sammy's gave me two leads, one around the corner. The one around the corner gave me a few more. After a $12 price estimation and a face full of mixed aroma I was on my way into the freezing weather and heavy wind. The next salon proved no better. I opened the door to a thousand different perfumes and to many scents than could ever be used decently; the woman behind the counter and the window was laid down in a chair stretched out with her hair in a fuzz, being clamped down and crimped, providing a sight more terrifying than the worst of dentist offices. My view was graciously obscured by a tinkling of feet and a petite living mannequin of costly apparel and streaked hair, her wide eyes made wider by mascara and dance pants promiscuous.
Do you cut man's hair here? I asked pointing to my head with my fingers beneath woolen gloves.
Nedless to say, they did but I didn't. I had my hair cut this morning by my pal Kenny. He's been cutting hair for 38 years- man's hair. And thats all he cuts. He cuts President Clarke's hair. Elder Bednar's hair was a regular, and before him President Benyon was too. He's been cutting hair almost twice as long as I have been growing it. $12 was a fair price, no student discount, for the best haircut I have ever had in the states. Kenny's my man.
Kenny and Larry's Barbershop, right on the side of Sammy's. They looked at me funny when I asked them if they had wireless, so I don't imagine they have a website.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Are Masks of the Devil?
Hide your face, so the world will never find you!
Every face a different shade.
Look around -
there's another
mask behind you!
True is false.
Who is who?
Declares the catchy song Masquerade of Webber’s Phantom of the Opera. These words would also be appropriately voiced in a persuasive whisper.
Masks have other origins besides the Masquerade and are common to our culture, from Batman and Zorro to the Phantom himself.
Indeed a ball will be held this Saturday, here at BYU-I, a Masquerade Ball, and masks are on sale by the school, in the Kimball building. This appears to be a contradiction in practice and has left many people wondering. This past Saturday the 44th ward had a Halloween costume party. It was a gay old time. I dressed up as a 1770’s revolutionary and my date as 1970’s hippie- we were protesters. We carved a pumpkin- a gruesome one even, with a machete through its side, my machete- but no masks. And everybody knew that no masks were allowed, for it is an implicit norm inside our LDS culture.
A few hours of research with our school librarian yielded many results in the blogosphere but nothing in the ways of official Church policy.
Also, From time to time I've seen a prohibition on Masks at LDS halloween activities. Is this an entirely practical and mundane safety precaution? Or is there some old religious Taboo on masks going on here?
For costume restrictions clearly state what they are in all fliers/posters/handouts/announcements: No masks, blood, guts, gore, etc.
I would like to add that usually masks are not a good option. Masks have a way of making people feel anonymous and people might do any number of things when they feel anonymous than they would do otherwise which is why they are not allowed at church parties or even at school parties in our area.
In Utah our kids got to wear their costumes to school (no masks), but in Oregon they don’t get to.
All of these citations taken from the mormon blogosphere refer to this implicit idea that masks are bad, and that the Church says masks are bad. But are they? Gospelink had no link. offered no comments. And even the authoritative Mormon Doctrine was found to be doctrine-less in regards to masks. Not even Halloween.
From where does this negative view of masks come from exactly? It should be remembered that masks are not only associated with Masquerade, but also with Halloween, and many religious practices of Africa.
To conclude I will depart leaving only questions.
If we frown upon masks because they hide our identity should we not frown upon other like practices such as acting and costume dressing? or make-up and excessive facial hair? and should we demand that Mickey Mouse remove his “mask” before he takes a picture with our kids at Disney World? Our should we outlaw Disney World altogether because Disney was a pagan?
Socrates would have acting or imitation outlawed altogether for “lest from enjoying the imitation, they come to enjoy the reality” of it (Republic, 395c).
Am I going to wear a mask at the Masquerade Ball? Of course. The President said I could.
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